My Evolution
    New Company New Journey!
    I started to I develop things as a Full Stack Software Engineer at Panteon Games.
    New Company New Journey!
    AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam Preparation
    The open source and detailed GitHub repo I created while preparing for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam.
    AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam Preparation
    Spring Boot Skills with Microservices
    In my journey of self-development with Java Spring Boot, I have developed an e-commerce backend project with a microservices architecture. During the development phase, I have applied the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), establishing a strong connection between the business logic and the software design.
    Spring Boot Skills with Microservices
    Diving Into Microservices
    I developed a microservice project on ecommerce that is simple but includes many technologies. A project enriched with technologies such as Sentry, GRPC, Message Broker, as well as docker and CI/CD processes!
    Diving Into Microservices
    Design Patterns Turkish Guide
    When I saw the 'Design Patterns' resource of the site, I said to myself 'this is it'. And during my learning process, I thought I should translate it into Turkish and share it as open source.
    Design Patterns Turkish Guide
    Huge Cloud Computing Guide
    I shared an open-source GitHub repository that I created using the notes I took during the preparation process for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam. Perhaps it's the most comprehensive resource in Turkish for cloud computing.
    Huge Cloud Computing Guide
    New City New Experiences
    After graduation, a new city choice: Ankara.
    End of University Years
    The 5-year journey, mostly conducted online due to the pandemic, has been successfully graduated. P.S.: Mission Accomplished.
    End of University Years
    First Real Job
    Before even graduating, I started to get a taste of my first professional work experience at Moneo company.
    Approved Hobby
    I successfully passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam offered by AWS, proving that the field I turned to as a hobby is more than just a hobby.
    Approved Hobby
    Published Resume Website v2
    I published my personal website with a unique design.
    Published Resume Website v2
    Long Term Internship - Feeling Like Employee
    I did my long-term on-site internship at Nette Interactive. During this four-month period, I felt what it's like to work down to my bones.
    Internship at JotForm
    I completed my one-month summer internship at JotForm, a major company. Here, I had the opportunity to work on a real-world project and see how a real software team operates. Looking back, I ask myself, 'Wow, how time flies!
    First Speaker Experience on Webiner
    I fulfilled the responsibility of hosting an event, one of my duties as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. Within this role, I delivered a comprehensive presentation on cloud computing in an online event.
    First Speaker Experience on Webiner
    New Responsibilities: Leadership
    I was chosen as a Campus Ambassador by Huawei. During the process of forming a new team and leading them, I gained various achievements such as task delegation and motivating team members.
    New Responsibilities: Leadership
    New Interests New Communities
    I was selected for the AWS Community Builder community. While exploring cloud computing systems, I also shared what I learned along the way.
    New Interests New Communities
    Global Community Excitement
    I joined the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador community and collected many memories with my peers from all around the world.
    Scholarship Journey on TUBITAK
    I worked as a scholarship student on a project called PyNar upon the invitation of our department chair. During this approximately 10-month period, I gained numerous experiences in web technologies.
    First Volunteer Internship
    I had a voluntary internship experience at a company called 'Meet The Music.' It was my first and, I think, only internship where I used Python. Lol.
    Published Very First Turkish Tech Guide
    I wrote and published an article titled 'Google Teachable Machine Turkish Guide,' and I released it as open source. This was my first time sharing a technical article.
    GDS Club Core Team Journey
    Joined Google Developer Student Club Core Team, had a blast organizing cool online events during the pandemic. First community experience, and it rocked! 🚀
    First Trainer Adventure
    C programming language training was given to lower-term students at the university. What could be harder than learning C? Teach...
    First Trainer Adventure
    Started Programming with C
    I embarked on my coding journey with C, where every line of code felt like a step into the vast universe of programming. Little did I know that those initial keystrokes would lay the foundation for a lifelong passion and countless adventures in the world of software development.
    English Preparatory Year
    My English prep year was intense and full of learning. Even though I wanted to take my first step into programming during this period, my old, retired computer didn't allow it. Without forgetting, I owe a big thank you to my teacher, Jason Cody!
    University Enrollment
    Enrolling at Bursa Technical University marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Moving into a different city, encountering numerous challenges, and tackling each one individually. Uhh... Those were some challenging days.
    University Enrollment
    High School Graduation
    I often miss my high school memories and friends, but I am content because it has ended.
    Starting School
    My first day of school felt like an undercover mission. I went in with my backpack, tried to blend in with the other recruits (I mean, students), and was ready to face the ultimate challenge: finding my way to the bathroom without getting lost in the enemy territory (aka the hallways).
    On the 10th of February.